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(This feature was simply an exercise in database programming. Hope you like it. Hope it is useful. Let me know.)

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Put On Your White Sombrero (2001 Reissue Bonus Track)

Put on your white sombrero
Saddle your horse my dear
And ride off into the sunset
You'd better go
For there is no
Place for you here
Like an old fashoned hero
You stand before me
You think our life is a movie
My world is real
I live and feel
And I can do, without you

Put on your white sombrero
Your red bandana too
Think of this day as a showdown
Goodbye my friend
This is the end
For me and you
Now be a bold vaquero
Don't show your feelings
I'll cry while you're disappearing
Into the night
All dressed in white
Unchained and free, without me

Put on your white sombrero
Like all the comboys do
Go find a sweet senorita
Somebody meek
Who'll never speak
Harshly to you
You're such a caballero
Proud, never bending
I want someone who will take me
Just as I am
I need a man
Who is in rhyme
With his time

You'll never take me
Just as I am
I need a man
Who is in rhyme
With his time

(Album: Super Trouper, Track: 12)

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