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Lovelight (2001 Reissue Bonus Track)

I've always hated my room, it's so gloomy and dreary
Always the dark, for the windows just face the back yard
So I can't understand how it's happened, how everything's changing
This old dirty ceiling seems a little whiter
When you walked into the room it all got so much brighter

You must have a lovelight
Everything around you is lovelight
And I can feel your love everywhere
Maybe even when you're not there
The lovelight
Everything around you is lovelight
You're shining like a star in the night
I won't let you out of my sight
I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight

How I remember the first time we went to the movies
We had decided to meet on the corner downtown
And I waited there when you came up from behind and you kissed me
And the traffic seemed to get a little lighter
When you came into my life it all got so much brighter

You must have a lovelight
Everything around you is lovelight
And I can feel your love everywhere
Maybe even when you're not there
The lovelight
Everything around you is lovelight
You're shining like a star in the night
I won't let you out of my sight
I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight

And I feel so good
And I feel so right
And I know that you must have a lovelight
You've got lovelight
And I can feel your love everywhere
Maybe even when you're not there
You've got lovelight
Everything around you is lovelight
You're shining like a star in the night
I won't let you out of my sight
I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose your lovelight
Everything about you is right
Let it glow and let it be bright
I don't want to lose your lovelight
Shining like a star in the night

(Album: Voulez-Vous, Track: 11)

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