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(This feature was simply an exercise in database programming. Hope you like it. Hope it is useful. Let me know.)

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Thats Me

Are you sure you wanna hear more
What if I ain't worth the while
Not the style you'd be lookin' for
If I'm sweet tonight
Things look different in the morning light
I'm jealous and I'm proud
If you hurt my feelings I'll cry out loud
I'm Carrie not-the-kind-of-girl-you'd-marry
That's me

Are you sure you wanna hear more
Would I be the one you seek
Mild and meek like the girl next door
Don't you realise
I may be an angel in disguise
It's lonely to be free
But I'm not a man's toy, I'll never be
I'm Carrie not-the-kind-of-girl-you'd-marry
That's me

I don't believe in fairy-tales
Sweet nothings in my ear
But I do believe in sympathy
That's me, you see

Are you sure you wanna hear more
Won't you have a drink with me
Just to see you're not really sore
I can't help my ways
I'm just not the girl to hide my face
I'm Carrie not-the-kind-of-girl-you'd-marry
That's me

There's a special love
Like an eagle flying with a dove
I'll find it in the end
If I keep on searchin', but until then
I'm Carrie not-the-kind-of-girl-you'd-marry
That's me

(Album: Arrival, Track: 7)

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