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From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Like a diamond glitt'ring in the sky
Seems to me you shine your light
Down to me to say goodnight
Twinkle twinkle my old friend
Sleep is waiting round the bend
While you travel through the Milky Way
From afar
Twinkle twinkle twinkle little star

Raindrops on a window pane
Stillness of a summer rain
Silently the haze drifts through the trees
Slowly dawn is breaking through
Yet a morning without you

Curtains rustling in the breeze
I'm still trapped within my dreams
Daylight makes its way into my mind
Coming through
Yet another morning without you

Finally when darkness falls
Casting shadows on the walls
In the twilight hour I am alone
Sitting near the fireplace
Dying embers warm my face
In this peaceful solitude
All the outside world subdued
Everything comes back to me again
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room

Echoes of a voice I knew...

Half awake and half in dreams seeing long forgotten scenes
So the present runs into the past
Now and then become entwined
Playing games within my mind
Like the embers as they die
Love was one prolonged goodbye
And it all comes back to me tonight
In the gloom Like an angel passing through my room

I close my eyes
And my twilight images go by
All to soon
Like an angel passing through my room

Long awaited darkness falls
Casting shadows on the walls
In the twilight hour I am alone
Sitting near the fireplace
Dying embers warm my face
In this peaceful solitude
All the outside world subdued
Everything comes back to me again
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room

Half awake and half in dreams
Seeing long forgotten scenes
So the present runs into the past
Now and then become entwined
Playing games within my mind
Like the embers as they die
Love was one prolonged goodbye
And it all comes back to me tonight
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room

I close my eyes
And my twilight images go by
All too soon
Like an angel passing through my room

(Album: The Visitors, Track: 16)

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