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Under Attack (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)

Don't know how to take it, don't know where to go
My resistance running low
And every day the hold is getting tighter and it troubles me so
(You know that I'm nobody's fool)
I'm nobody's fool and yet it's clear to me
I don't have a strategy
It's just like taking candy from a baby and I think I must be

Under attack, I'm being taken
About to crack, defences breaking
Won't somebody please have a heart
Come and rescue me now cos I'm falling apart
Under attack, I'm taking cover
He's on my track, my chasing lover
Thinking nothing can stop him now
Should I want to, I'm not sure, I would know how

This is getting crazy, I should tell him so
Really let my anger show
Persuade him that the answer to his questions is a definite no
(I'm kind of certain that's the truth)
Guess I'm kind of flattered but I'm scared as well
Something like a magic spell
I hardly dare to think of what would happen, where I'd be if I fell

Under attack, I'm being taken
About to crack, defences breaking
Won't somebody please have a heart
Come and rescue me now cos I'm falling apart
Under attack, I'm taking cover
He saw my track, my chasing lover
Thinking nothing's gonna stop him now
Should I want to, I'm not sure, I won't know how
Under attack, I'm being taken
About to crack, defences breaking
Won't somebody see and save a heart
Come and rescue me now cos I'm falling apart
Under attack, I'm taking cover
He's on my track, my chasing lover
Thinking nothing can stop him now
Should I want to, I'm not sure, I would know how


(Album: The Visitors, Track: 14)

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