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What About Livingstone

Went to buy me a paper at the local news-stand
And then I heard them laugh and say
Look, they're gonna go flying way up to the moon now
Hey, what's it good for anyway?
So I said
Fellas, like to ask you a thing if I may

What about Livingstone?
What about all those men?
Who have sacrificed their lives to lead the way
Tell me, wasn't it worth the while
Travelling up the Nile
Putting themselves on test
Didn't that help the rest?
Wasn't it worth it then?
What about Livingstone?

And all of those fellas at the local news-stand
Didn't know what to answer or what to say
So I told them about him, that he was just like
One of those spacemen in his way
And if you laugh at them
Then there's only a thing I can say

What about Livingstone?
What about all those men?
Who have sacrificed their lives to lead the way
Tell me, wasn't it worth the while
Travelling up the Nile
Putting themselves on test
Didn't that help the rest?
Wasn't it worth it then?

What about Livingstone?
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
What about all those men?
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
Who have sacrificed their lives to lead the way
Tell me, wasn't it worth the while
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
Travelling up the Nile
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
Putting themselves on test
Didn't that help the rest?
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
Wasn't it worth it then?
What about Livingstone?
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)
What about all those men?
(Didn't he do it, well didn't he?)

(Album: Waterloo, Track: 9)

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