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Sitting In The Palmtree

See me sitting in the palmtree
Looking down at people passing by
Sitting here no-one can harm me
They just stare at me and wonder why
No need to bother, I'm gonna stay up here
Whatever happens, I won't let no-one near
Until you tell me, Jeanie Jeanie on my mind, won't you please
You really love me, Jeanie Jeanie you're so fine, yes you are now
And in the evening, when the sun goes down
I'll be the bluest of men in this town
'Cause I love you, Jeanie Jeanie on my mind

See me sitting in the palmtree
Waiting for those little words from you
People laugh and point their fingers
Like I was a monkey at the zoo
But I will stay here, among my coconuts
So you will know dear, you're everything I've got
Now won't you tell me, Jeanie Jeanie on my mind

Winds blow, stars glow, I see a light in a window
Dark trees, soft breeze, carry my message to her please

See me sitting in the palmtree
Feeling angry at the silly crowd
No-one else but you can calm me
You should know by now I'm far too proud
I need to show you, I've got my feelings too
You shouldn't treat me like you always do
So won't you tell me, Jeanie Jeanie on my mind, won't you please
You really love me, Jeanie Jeanie you're so fine, yes you are now
And in the evening, when the sun goes down
I'll be the bluest of men in this town
'Cause I love you, Jeanie Jeanie on my mind
Jeanie Jeanie you're so fine
Jeanie Jeanie on my mind
Jeanie Jeanie you're so fine
Jeanie Jeanie on my mind
Jeanie Jeanie you're so fine

(Album: Waterloo, Track: 2)

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